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Firework Safety: Celebrating Responsibly

As we approach the joyous occasion of Independence Day, I want to take a moment to address an important matter that concerns the safety and well-being of our community: fireworks. While fireworks can be a thrilling part of the festivities, it is crucial that we celebrate responsibly and prioritize the safety of ourselves and those around us.

As the Police Chief of Union City, it is my duty to ensure the security and welfare of our citizens. I urge everyone to take some time to understand and practice firework safety measures, so that we can enjoy a memorable and incident-free celebration this year.

1. Familiarize Yourself with Local Laws and Regulations:

First and foremost, it is essential to be aware of the local laws and regulations regarding fireworks. Each jurisdiction may have its own rules and restrictions, so familiarize yourself with the guidelines set by Union City or your specific area. Understanding the legal aspects will help you make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary trouble.

2. Purchase Fireworks from Licensed Sellers:

When buying fireworks, always choose reputable sellers who operate legally and provide quality products. Licensed vendors ensure that the fireworks they sell meet safety standards and comply with regulations. Avoid purchasing fireworks from unreliable sources, as these may be poorly manufactured or illegal, posing a significant risk to your safety.

3. Designate a Responsible Adult to Handle Fireworks:

Fireworks should only be handled by responsible adults who are familiar with their proper usage. Assign a designated adult who will be responsible for handling and setting off fireworks during your celebration. This person should be sober, alert, and fully aware of the safety procedures to follow.

4. Create a Safe Environment:

Before igniting any fireworks, carefully choose an open and unobstructed area away from buildings, vehicles, and flammable materials. A clear space ensures that fireworks won’t inadvertently cause damage or ignite unintended fires. Keep a water source nearby, such as a garden hose or buckets of water, to extinguish any potential fires.

5. Follow Instructions and Exercise Caution:

Fireworks come with specific instructions for safe use. Read and understand these instructions thoroughly before igniting any fireworks. Different types of fireworks have different safety protocols, so ensure you follow them accordingly. Exercise caution, and never attempt to relight a firework that did not fully ignite the first time.

6. Spectator Safety:

If you are attending a public fireworks display organized by professionals, it is crucial to follow all safety guidelines provided by the event organizers. Respect any designated spectator areas and maintain a safe distance from the launching site. Keep children and pets under close supervision throughout the event.

7. Be Considerate of Others:

While celebrating, remember that not everyone may share your enthusiasm for fireworks. Be mindful of your neighbors, especially those with young children, elderly individuals, veterans, or individuals with sensory sensitivities or pets who may be startled or distressed by the loud noises. Consider notifying your neighbors in advance if you plan on setting off fireworks.

8. Report Unsafe or Illegal Firework Activity:

If you witness unsafe or illegal firework activity, please report it to the Union City Police Department immediately. Your assistance helps us maintain a safe environment for everyone. Together, we can prevent accidents and ensure a happy and incident-free celebration.

As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, let’s remember that celebrating responsibly goes hand in hand with creating lasting memories. By adhering to these firework safety guidelines, we can enjoy the festivities while prioritizing the well-being and safety of our community.

On behalf of the Union City Police Department, I wish you all a wonderful and safe Independence Day. Let’s come together to celebrate our nation’s freedom responsibly.

Chief Mark Ater

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