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A Commitment to Accountability and Trust

Today I want to address a vital aspect of law enforcement that underpins our commitment to serving and protecting our community: transparency. The Union City Police Department recognizes the immense value of openness and accountability, and we firmly believe that fostering a culture of transparency is essential for building and maintaining trust between the police and the community we serve.

Why Transparency Matters

Transparency is not just a buzzword; it is the cornerstone of effective and responsible policing. By being transparent, we acknowledge the importance of being answerable to the public, and we acknowledge that trust cannot be assumed but must be earned through ongoing communication, honesty, and a willingness to accept scrutiny.

When police agencies embrace transparency, several significant benefits emerge:

1. Accountability: Transparency enables us, as law enforcement professionals, to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and decisions. By being open about our policies, procedures, and the outcomes of investigations, we demonstrate our commitment to responsible policing.

2. Trust and Confidence: Trust is the bedrock upon which a strong relationship between law enforcement and the community is built. Through transparency, we seek to empower our community with the knowledge and understanding of how and why we operate, fostering greater confidence in our actions and decisions.

3. Community Engagement: By openly sharing information and involving the community in the decision-making process, we encourage active engagement and collaboration. When residents have a say in shaping public safety initiatives, it strengthens our collective ability to address community concerns effectively.

4. Correcting Mistakes and Learning: Transparency allows us to acknowledge and rectify mistakes promptly. When errors occur, open communication ensures that we learn from them and take steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. This commitment to continuous improvement is crucial for building trust and maintaining public support.

Practices Promoting Transparency

At the Union City Police Department, we are dedicated to implementing practices that promote transparency throughout our organization. Here are some key initiatives we have embraced:

1. Open Communication Channels: We have established multiple avenues for residents to voice their concerns, provide feedback, and seek information. From community forums and town hall meetings to active social media engagement, we aim to foster an environment of open dialogue.

2. Clear Policies and Procedures: We have made our policies and procedures readily accessible to the public. By publishing these guidelines, we enhance transparency, enabling community members to understand how we operate and the principles that govern our actions.

3. Body-Worn Cameras: Our officers wear body cameras to capture interactions with the public. This technology promotes accountability, enhances transparency, and provides an objective record of events.

4. Independent Oversight: We support and actively participate in independent oversight mechanisms, such as civilian review boards or external audits. These oversight bodies ensure that our actions align with community expectations and provide an additional layer of accountability.

5. Training and Education: We invest in continuous training for our officers to enhance their understanding of the importance of transparency and its practical implementation. By instilling these values in our personnel, we create a culture that prioritizes open and accountable policing.

Transparency is not just a goal; it is a commitment we make to the residents of Union City. By embracing openness, accountability, and community engagement, we strive to build a police department that reflects the needs and values of our community. We understand that trust is earned through consistent actions, and we are fully dedicated to upholding the highest standards of transparency to foster a safer, more connected Union City.

As your Chief of Police, I invite you to hold us accountable, ask questions, and actively participate in the ongoing dialogue surrounding public safety. Together, we can build a brighter future, where trust and collaboration between law enforcement and the community.

Chief Mark Ater Jr.

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